March 3, 2015

6 months later...

What? Where did the last 6 months go? Bryan and I have been married for SIX. MONTHS. Time really does fly when you're having fun. Which is all the time. I am seriously just so happy with my life right now, and I have Bryan to thank for that let me tell you 6 things I just love about him, cause I'm cheesy like that:

1- He is the HARDEST worker. I will never, ever have to worry about being taken care of because I know it's a priority of his.
2- You should see him with kids, it's adorable and it melts my heart. And then sometimes when he starts sentences with "When we have kids..." or "Let's do this with our kids.." it melts my heart even more. Even though it's usually followed with something totally ridiculous.
3- He may kill me for this one, but every night after he comes home from work, he pulls me over to his side of the bed to cuddle me.
4- He's a total dork and I love it.
5- He's so funny and not a day goes by that he doesn't make me laugh.
6- He will spend hours with my crazy family or drive for 24/48 hours because I asked him to because I'm selfish and I want to be with him and everyone else all at the same time.

I love you Bryan Scott Welty and I'm so happy that I am yours for eternity!!

(bonus #7 thing I love about him, even though he never smiles in pictures, he has the greatest most amazing smile around)