June 21, 2015

for daddy

I've always had such a wonderful relationship with my dad. I have so many memories with him! When I was little and my mom worked Saturdays, me and dad hung out and watched Saturday Morning Cartoons, I specifically remember Doug. We would always make these ice slushy things and eat them out of this plastic blue mug on the front porch. I used to tell him to wake me up  super early when he got up for work so I could have breakfast with him, then I'd go cuddle back in bed with my mom :)
He also raised me right in that I enjoy Star Wars. And also that a good majority of music on my phone is The Beatles, not because I want to be cool or hipster but because it's what I grew up listening to.
We used to go on daddy daughter dates, including dances set up by our church. I always had fun with him at those.
He would ALWAYS make time to come to my church volleyball and basketball games and to my high school track meets even though I know they were excruciatingly painful because I'm so unathletic. But it meant the world to me. And you know what meant even more? When he came to my choir and musical performances because I know that for him, those are way worse than watching me being bad at sports. But he never missed a single one.
Whenever I'm sad or having a hard time, he sends me uplifting scriptures or talks to lift my spirits and it always works.
One of my favorite things to do with him is hike. Sometimes me and him will just go hike the Adams Canyon switchbacks and we just talk. I'm so glad I have that kind of relationship with my dad where we can just talk and laugh and have a good time.

My dad is so hard working and so supportive that I just have to wonder how he does it. He never says he's not going to do something because he is too tired or doesn't want to. He is so willing to serve anyone at anytime. I've also watched him treat my mother right my whole life and that is an amazing thing for a daughter to be able to see

I love you daddy thank you for everything you do!!

now please watch this

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