July 13, 2016

I Got Bangs (And Other Life Updates)

Hello all! I've had so many things happen lately (who hasn't?) and life just gets away from you, ya know? I started a new job at America First Credit Union and I am loving it! It is so great. Its a much better environment than my last job, I'm very happy there:) Bryan is out of school for the summer and does the majority of the housework and I come home everyday from school at 9:30 and tear up because he always does what I had been planning on doing that day whether it be dishes or laundry. I definitely got so lucky with him. He's the very, very best. 

I cut bangs! I swore I'd never do it again because I hate it every single time but I decided to not go as drastic this time and I'm loving the change. We had a celebration for my grandma for her 75th Birthday Party. She's the cutest.

Bryan and I got to go up to our beloved Star Valley, Wyoming over the 4th of July weekend. We went fishing, did some sketchy four wheeling trails and had delicious fresh raspberry shakes. It was nice to get away for a minute.

And in another minute, we are heading to California! I am so freaking excited I can't even tell you. It's been almost two years since I was there and every time I think about seeing my kiddos, I get like, giddy and want to cry because I'm so excited! The best part? The kids don't know I'm coming so I get to surprise them. I can't wait to show Bryan around the city that I came to love so very much.

I hope everyone else's lives are as happy and wonderful as mine:)

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