March 12, 2015

how to accept a compliment

Since when did it become okay to be rude about someone giving you a compliment? I've given so many compliments to people who give me dirty looks. It's not rude or creepy or anything else negative that you might think of. Don't you put effort into the way you do things or the way you look for a reason? And doesn't it feel great to have that acknowledged by another person? I for one think so.

So here are step by step instructions on how to accept a compliment:

Step One: Look compliment giver in the eyes and thank them

See! Now isn't that wonderfully easy?

Now the next time someone tells you that you have a nice smile or that your outfit is well put together, you know how to handle it! Even if you are extremely awkward and get slightly embarrassed about it, like yours truly, you proudly thank them because you deserve it because everyone is wonderful and beautiful and things like that should be praised. There is enough bad in the world that we don't need to shoot down a wonderful thing.

Remember, the world is still a beautiful place.

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